6.6.8 Remote backup in Virtualmin control panel

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The Virtualmin server control panel supports creating backups to remote file storages by default.

Setting up backup creation

Let’s look at creating such a task using the example of creating backups to your Cloud Storage:

Important: all highlighted variables in the examples must be replaced with your information.

1. Log in to your Virtualmin panel using the root account and go to the Backup and Restore section, to the Backup Virtual Servers tab:

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2. In the open tab there are three settings forms: Virtual Servers, Features and Settings, Destination and Format. In the first form you will need to select which of our virtual servers we will add to the backup. In our example, these are all available virtual machines:

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3. In the next section, Features and Settings, you must specify which virtual machine data will be backed up. Using the Virtualmin settings to also backup subsection, you can also add the configuration files of the Virtualmin panel itself to the backup:

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4. In the third form, Destination and Format, specify how and where the backup will be performed. In our example, this is a remote FTP server:

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  • FTP server – remote host address, for example server.keepdata.thehost.ua. You can find out the address of your Cloud Storage host as follows.
  • Directory on server – path to the directory (based on the root directory for the FTP user) where the backup will be written. In our example, this is /backups/backup-%Y-%m-%d. This entry will create a directory with a timestamp for storing the backup.
  • Login as user – an active FTP user on the remote storage. In our example, ftp_user, created inside the KeepData panel.
  • Login with password – the password of such an FTP user.

5. All of the above can also be done on a schedule. To do this, go to the Backup and Restore section of the Virtualmin panel, to the Scheduled Backups tab. Using the Add a new backup schedule button, you can add a new backup task. Its configuration is identical to the one described above, except for the execution schedule configuration:

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6. Done! Now when you perform a backup using the standard Virtualmin path, it will also be uploaded to your Cloud Storage or any other remote server you specified.