6.6.13 Remote backup in cPanel control panel

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The cPanel server administration panel will allow you to create backups to remote storage, but to activate this feature, you will need to configure it using the WHM admin panel.

Setting up backup creation

Let’s look at setting up a backup using the example of creating backups to your Cloud storage:

Important: all highlighted variables in the examples must be replaced with your information.

1. Go to your WHM control panel. Expand the Backup section, then open the Backup Configuration tab:

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2. Go to the Additional Destinations settings subsection. In cPanel backups can also be duplicated to all enabled additional destinations while being created. Select FTP as the Destination Type and click Create New Destination.

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3. A form will open where, in addition to some settings, you will need to specify the parameters for accessing the remote storage via FTP:

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  • Backup Directory – path to the directory (based on the root directory for the FTP user) where the backup will be written. In our example, it is backup.
  • Remote Host – address of the remote host, for example server.keepdata.thehost.ua. The address of your Cloud Storage host can be found out as follows.
  • Port – by default, port 21 is used for FTP connections.
  • Remote Account Username – active FTP user on the remote storage. In our example, ftp_user, created inside the KeepData panel.
  • Remote Password – password of such FTP user.
  • Passive FTP – checkbox for passive FTP transfer mode. Disabling it may create a conflict with firewall settings.

4. After specifying all the settings, click Save and Validate Destination. The panel will immediately check the availability of the server with the parameters you specified.

5. To configure and activate the backups themselves, go to the Backup settings subsection in the same panel tab. Immediately click Enable Backups and then configure the backup according to your needs:

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7. After specifying all the necessary options and clicking Save Configuration, the backup task setup will be legal. Now backups created according to your schedule will also be duplicated to your Cloud Storage or any other remote server you specified.