Additional Dedicated IP Addresses

Dedicated and additional IPv4 addresses are factors of additional stability and reliability of hosting services.

Additional Dedicated IP Addresses

As you may know, in the case of regular hosting, all clients share the same IP address of each individual hosting server. Thus, if, for example, someone from the same server as yours attempts to send spam, there may be situations where the entire IP address ends up on spam lists, which will result in your emails being unable to be sent for several days. A dedicated IP completely solves this problem – only you will be able to use your dedicated IP address, making the above-mentioned situation impossible. Buying an IP address is the right solution if the smooth operation of your email is important to you.

An additional IP address can also help you in the case of a DDoS attack on a website located on your IP. This way, you can quickly change the domain's IP address to one that is not under attack.

A dedicated IP address also allows you to conduct detailed statistics on the visitors to your websites. Some specific software may also require you to have a dedicated IPv4 address.

What are the advantages?

  • Improved email deliverability. A dedicated IP allows you to send and receive emails independently of other users and mail services.
  • Exclusive address usage. Only you will be using your dedicated IP address, which helps avoid problems with IP blocking or a poor IP reputation.
  • Additional resource protection. Using a dedicated IP enables you to create highly precise firewall rules.
  • Isolation of websites. By hosting each site on a dedicated IP, it will be impossible to determine that the sites and their resources are located on the same server.
To order an additional IP address, you need to go to your personal account, select your service, and using the "Config." button, change the value of the "Dedicated IP Addresses" parameter.

* Ordering an IP address is only possible for services hosted in Ukraine.

Dedicated IP

Dedicated IPv6

* The indicated price is only for the "Dedicated IP Addresses" add-on. The final cost of the tariff plan is calculated as the sum of the plan price and all its add-ons. You can familiarize yourself with the prices of tariff plans and VPS/VDS add-ons in the corresponding section of the website.

To order an additional IP address, you need to go to your personal account, select your service, and using the "Config." button, change the value of the "Dedicated IP Addresses" parameter.

* Ordering an IP address is only possible for services hosted in Ukraine.