Domain check

* All prices for domain registration are indicated for 1 year

Popular domains

Ukrainian domains

Show all or
  • IDN
    Private domain for business in Ukraine.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Cherkasy region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Cherkasy region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Chernihiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Chernivtsi region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Cherkasy region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Chernihiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian private general purpose domain.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain for commercial use.
    Supports IDN
  • Ukrainian public domain of the Crimean region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Chernivtsi region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Donetsk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Donetsk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Dnipro region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Public domain for personal use (Individual) in Ukraine.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kharkiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kharkiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kharkiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kherson region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kyiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Khmelnytsky region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kirovohrad region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kropyvnytskyi region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kherson region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Kyiv region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Luhansk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Volyn region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Luhansk region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Volyn region.
    Supports IDN
  • Ukrainian public domain of Lviv region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Mykolaiv region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Mykolaiv region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain for resources dedicated to the network and companies whose activities are related to the Internet.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Mykolaiv region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Odesa region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Odesa region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Odesa region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain for non-profit organizations and open source projects.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Poltava region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Poltava region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian private domain for personal use.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Rivne region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Rivne region.
    Supports IDN
  • Ukrainian public domain of Sevastopol.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Sumy region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Sumy region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Ternopil region.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Ternopil region.
  • TM
    Special price for the first year of .UA domain registration

    National top-level domain of Ukraine.
    To register a domain, you must have a trademark of the same name. Registration can take up to 7 business days.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zakarpattia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zakarpattia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Vinnytsia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Vinnytsia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Volyn region.
    Supports IDN
  • Ukrainian public domain of Yalta.
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zaporizhzhia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zhytomyr region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zaporizhzhia region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Ukrainian public domain of Zhytomyr region.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    National Cyrillic domain of Ukraine.
    Supports only IDN names

Foreign domains

Show all or
  • National domain of the UAE.
  • National domain of Afghanistan.
  • Domain of the African Continent.
  • National domain of Anguilla.
  • National top-level domain of Armenia.
  • National domain of American Samoa.
  • Domain for all countries in Asia
  • National top-level domain of Austria.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Azerbaijan.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • National top-level domain of Belgium.
  • LC
    National domain of Bulgaria.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • Special price for the first year of .BIZ domains registration

    International domain used for business projects as well as business-related resources.
  • National domain of Belize.
    More often used as an analogue of the BIZ domain.
  • European public domain for the region of Brittany.
  • LC
    National domain of Canada.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain of Catalonia.
  • National top-level domain of the Cocos Islands.
  • National top-level domain of Switzerland.
  • DOCS
    National top-level domain of China.
    To register a domain, you must provide a scan of your passport
  • National top-level domain of Colombia.
    Used as an alternative to COM domain.
  • National domain of Israel. Registration may take several days. When registering for a legal entity, it is necessary to provide supporting documents
  • Domain of the United Kingdom.
  • IDN
    Special price for the first year of .COM domain registration

    International domain used by commercial organizations.
    Supports IDN
  • LC
    National domain of Brazil.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • Germany’s newest domain extension, presenting a fresh opportunity to establish world-class presence in the world’s busiest domain market..
  • Domain of Spain.
  • Domain of Poland for commercial organizations.
  • National top-level domain of Czech Republic.
  • LC
    National top-level domain of Germany.
    Only local contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • Powerful combination of German national identity and the .com ending enables businesses to have unparalleled local and global prominence.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Denmark.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • LC
    National domain of Estonia.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National top-level domain of Spain.
  • LC
    Domain of European Union countries.
    Only local contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain of Micronesia.
  • LC
    National domain of France.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National top-level domain of Georgia.
  • National domain of Greece.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Hong Kong.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • LC
    National domain of Hungary.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain of Isle of Man. Associated with the acronym Instant Messenger.
  • National top-level domain of India.
  • Special price for the first year of .IN.NET domains registration

    New Indian general purpose domain.
    Matches the phrase "in net".
  • International domain used for information projects.
  • National domain of British Indian Ocean Territories.
  • National domain of Iceland.
  • LC
    National domain of Italy.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain of Japan.
  • National domain of Kyrgyzstan.
  • LC
    National domain of the Republic of Korea.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain of Laos.
  • Domain of the Latin American community.
  • National domain of Liechtenstein.
  • National top-level domain of Lithuania.
  • National domain of Luxembourg.
  • National top-level domain of Latvia.
  • National domain for Libya.
  • National domain for Morocco.
  • National domain of Moldova.
  • National domain of Montenegro, associated with the English word me.
  • National domain for Madagascar.
  • National domain for Macedonia.
  • National top-level domain of Mongolia.
  • The domain is used for sites designed for mobile devices and for sites with a mobile theme.
  • National domain for Mauritania.
  • National domain for Montserrat.
  • National domain for Mauritius.
  • National domain for Malawi.
  • National domain of Mexico.
  • LC
    National domain of Malaysia.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • IDN
    International domain for individuals.
    Supports IDN
  • IDN
    Акция! Регистрация и трансфер доменов .NET по уникальной цене до 30 апреля

    International domain intended for resources dedicated to networks and companies, whose activities are related to the Internet.
    Supports IDN
  • National domain for Nigeria.
  • National top-level domain of The Netherlands.
  • National domain for Norway.
  • National domain for the island of Niue.
  • National domain of New Zealand.
  • National domain for Oman.
  • IDN
    Special price for the first year of .ORG domain registration

    International domain used for non-profit organizations, as well as open source projects.
    Supports IDN
  • The recognised domain name extension for UK charities and not for profit organisations.
  • National domain for Peru.
  • National top-level domain of Poland.
  • National domain for Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
  • The domain is intended for professionals in their field who want to emphasize this.
  • National domain for Palestine.
  • National domain of Portugal.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • National domain of Palau. Associated with the abbreviation Professional Web or Power.
  • National domain for Reunion.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Romania.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • DOCS
    National domain of Serbia.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • National top-level domain for Seychelles.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Sweden.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • LC
    National domain of Singapore.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain for Saint Helena.
  • National domain of Slovenia.
  • National domain for Senegal.
  • LC
    National domain of Somalia.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • National domain for Sao Tome and Principe.
  • DOCS
    National top-level domain for the Soviet Union.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • National top-level domain of Sint Maarten.
  • National domain for Turks and Caicos.
  • IDN
    The domain is intended for storing and managing personal and corporate contacts.
    Not intended to work as a site address!
  • National domain of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories.
  • National top-level domain of Tajikistan.
  • National domain for East Timor.
  • National domain of Turkmenistan.
  • National domain for Tunisia.
  • National domain of Tonga.
  • IDN
    National top-level domain of Tuvalu. Used by companies related to television and media.
    Supports IDN
  • National domain of Taiwan.
  • LC
    National top-level domain of the United Kingdom.
    Only local
    contact can be used for registration. If it is absent, the domain name
    will be registered to the local contact of TheHost.
  • Domain of Great Britain for commercial organizations.
  • National top-level domain of the USA.
  • National domain of Uruguay.
  • DOCS
    National domain of Uzbekistan.
    To register a domain, you must provide your passport data
  • National domain for the state of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • Domain for the British Virgin Islands.
  • National top-level domain of the Vietnam.
  • National domain for Wallis and Futuna.
  • National top-level domain of Samoa.
    Popular in the world, as it coincides with the abbreviation web site.
  • National domain for Mayotte.
  • Cyrillic domain of European Union countries.
  • IDN
    International Cyrillic domain used for non-profit organizations and open source projects.

Thematic domains

Show all or
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • DOCS
    General top-level domain for airline companies.
    You need to provide an Aero community member ID and password.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
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  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • Special price for the first year of .CLUB domains registration

    New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
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  • Special price for the first year of .SHOP domain registration

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  • Special price for the first year of .VIP domains registration

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  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • Domain for members of the "adult industry". Community member ID XXX and password must be provided.
  • Special price for the first year of .XYZ domain registration

    New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
  • IDN
    New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
    Supports only IDN names.
  • IDN
    New top-level domain under the New gTLD program.
    Supports only IDN names.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have your own nameservers for DNS management?

Yes, you can find more details at:

Is it possible to manage domain records on your nameservers?

Yes, it's possible, and it's completely free with the 'Parking' technical hosting plan:

Can I transfer a domain that is currently serviced by another registrar to you?

Of course, you can check the possibility of domain transfer at:

Can I redirect the domain purchased from you to, Google Sites, or any other external service?

Certainly. Usually, this is done by changing the nameservers or A record of the domain. Detailed instructions on how to redirect a domain to external services are usually provided by the services themselves.

Can I get a refund for a registered domain?

Unlike our other services, domain names cannot be refunded due to the specific rules of international domain registration.

What will happen to the domain if it is not renewed from the client's side?

Your website and email services will become unavailable at the domain address, and the domain itself will change its status to AutoRenewGracePeriod, and in some zones, it may go directly to RedemptionPeriod or PendingDelete. More details about the domain lifecycle can be found here:

View all questions

Most of you have heard words like domain and domain name many times. Nowadays, when computer technology and the Internet rule the world, these concepts are common. However, not everyone knows what these terms mean.

Before creating any site on the Internet, you must first register a domain name. Our hosting provider will help you register a domain of any type. A domain name is a symbolic name needed to identify and address any resource on the World Wide Web. For example, one of the most famous domains is .com. The domain name is required for a user to find your website. And if you are a client who wants to register a domain name, then first you need to check whether this domain is busy.

Domain names are different. For example, the first level domain cannot be registered, but the registration of second, third and fourth level domains is no problem. The domain name gives the user some information about the site. You can buy a domain name on the Ukrainian or Russian site. Cheap domains on commercial sites are also popular.

You must verify your domain before registering, as only free domains can be registered. However, if you want to take a domain name that is already occupied, this is not a problem. You can try to register it in another zone. Checking if the domain is busy is necessary to avoid the risk of fraud. You may be offered a domain that is banned or has a filter in the search engine. It is possible to organize such a domain, but it is extra time and money. Carefully check the domain name and carefully choose the company that offers such goods.

If you are looking for topics such as "verify domain", "verify domain name" or "verify domain for being busy", you get to know TheHost. We are a hosting provider that will offer the best quality and necessary services. Our client can verify a domain name, transfer a domain, protect the privacy of WHOIS data, and connect to domain reselling. With us you get a domain certificate and the ability to issue SSL-certificates.

Checking a domain in TheHost is really reliable. We have been operating in the market of hosting and domain name registration services since 2007. During this time, we have gained the trust of both small companies and large customers. Join us! TheHost is waiting for those who know the price of information and speed.

The domain is needed so that the user can quickly navigate and find your site online. In addition, domain name registration is the so-called identification of a specific resource. If you want to start your own online business, you probably know that domain registration is one of the most important steps to success. After all, a site without a domain simply will not exist. And will the business be able to grow if it is not available to users on the Internet? Of course not. For a successful advertising campaign, domain name registration will not be the only task, but it will become the starting point that will allow you to create and place your website on the Internet.

Our company offers domains of different domain zones, which are easy to install and give a good result in the work of your site. You can choose the name of your resource. We, in turn, will check the available options. Domain registration does not take much time. We, as your hosting provider and domain registrar, will do our best to get your site up and running online as soon as possible.

If you do not know what domain name to invent, our experts will help you with this. We have high-class professionals. You will be able to register a domain name with us at a reasonable price. You can compare our prices for domain names with the prices of other providers. You will see that our price/quality ratio is the best. Here you can get information about how to register a domain, what is hosting and reselling of domains, what are cheap domains etc. You will also understand how an expensive domain name differs from a cheap one.

Domain name registration has two stages: first you choose the desired name and domain zone, and then we perform domain registration. You choose the desired method of payment. To get acquainted with the list of our services, go to the corresponding section on the site. You can buy a domain name on this page of the site.

If you think that your business will grow without a domain, you are wrong. Domain name registration is essential for success and prosperity of your business. Make the right choice! Contact us for domain name registration, including low-cost new generation domains!