Domains  .INFO

International domain used for information projects.
299 6.94 7.5
999 23.18 25.07
The price of domain registration
in the zone .INFO for 1 year

Main characteristics

Domains .INFO, answers to the most common questions

What is the cost of registering/buying a domain in the zone ".INFO"?

Purchase/registration and renewal of a domain name in the ".INFO" zone will cost 99923.1825.07 per year

What is required to register a domain name in the ".INFO" zone?

To register a domain name in the .INFO zone, you need to place an order through the panel.

Are there domain names prohibited for registration in the ".INFO" zone?

Violation of the rights of third parties, illegal activities, including viruses and hacker utilities, obscene and offensive materials.

Are TM or other documents required to register a domain name in the ".INFO" zone?

Domain names registration in the ".INFO" zone is free, it does not require TM or other documents.