CSR decoder

CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

CSR data

CSR not specified (Certificate Signing Request) Decoding error: Incorrectly indicated CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
Domain: unknown
Organization: unknown
Department: unknown
E-Mail: unknown
Country: unknown
Region: unknown
City: unknown

What does the CSR decoding tool do?

CSR and Private Key

CSR (Certificate Signing Request) helps to issue SSL certificates. However, since CSR is a special encoded text, it might be difficult to find out what kind of data is encrypted in it. This is especially true for SSL certificates with organization verification or with extended validation, where a fairly scrupulous check is performed for each field indicated when generating a request for an SSL certificate (CSR).

This tool allows you to check the indicated data and avoid loss of time in case of possible cancellation of the issuance of a certificate due to incorrectly indicated data. If necessary, you can create a new CSR with a private key (Private Key) on our site usingonline CSR generator.