What is the cost of registering/buying a domain in the zone ".UA"?
Purchase/registration and renewal of a domain name in the ".UA" zone will cost 229953.3457.7 per year
Location | Ukraine |
Registry | Hostmaster LLC, https://www.hostmaster.ua |
WHOIS server | whois.ua |
Allowed characters in the domain name | A-Z, 0-9, - |
Number of domain name characters allowed | from 1 to 63 characters |
Available registration period of a domain name | from 1 to 10 years |
Domain name registration time | up to 14 working days |
IDN support | false |
DNS SEC support | false |
Personal data protection (Private Person) | true |
Domain recovery | possible, within 28 days after the end |
Purchase/registration and renewal of a domain name in the ".UA" zone will cost 229953.3457.7 per year
To register a domain in the .UA zone, it is necessary to have a Certificate of Ukraine for a mark for goods and services issued by an authorized government agency. If the registrant (you, your company) is not the owner of the Certificate - you need the agreement on the transfer of ownership of the mark or the license agreement.
Violation of the rights of third parties, illegal activities, including viruses and hacker utilities, obscene and offensive materials.
Yes, domain names in the .ua zone are available only to owners of rights to the corresponding trademarks of the same name.